i feel you.⁣..

i feel you everywhere, i look for you in everything

i feel you
at 3am when
my heart is too restless.
when my. heart. feels…
like life has to hold more than this.
it has to. because i feel you.
in ways i don’t understand
but, somehow… understand.
like some sort of north light,
or that fallen star at 11:11
when i wish,
when i breathe in
and it feels like light,
when i breathe out
and all the heavy i’ve ever known just… fades.
all these little ways that i. feel. you.

and you’re not here.
but you’re everywhere.
you’re in everything.

– butterflies rising

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you’re made of flowers; how you bloom when there’s light on your skin…

let yourself feel all the ways you're made of flowers

i think you’re made
of flowers; how you bloom
when there’s light on your skin.
you feel all that fire in your soul,
and it’s. so. beautiful.
but keep letting the sweetness in.
let yourself feel the glow.
be gentle with your raging heart
and softer with your chaos.
you are a wild thing,
but you are such a tender thing…
so maybe let even a little more of
that gentle in with how you grow.
dig out from the dark what you need to
and burn down what you have to
but then let yourself light up.
let in a little more sweetness
and a little more glow…
and let yourself feel all the ways
you’re made of flowers.

– butterflies rising

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