a perfect night… anywhere. it doesn’t matter where if it ends up with you and me…

a perfect night... anywhere. it doesn't matter where if it ends up with you and me somewhere, just talking about anything and everything

a perfect night…

anywhere. it doesn’t matter where
if it ends up with you and me somewhere,
just talking about anything and everything
until sunrise, not wanting to leave the
energy we’re feeling for anything, ever.
a perfect night is one with the
“good night” you don’t
want to say.

– butterflies rising

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soulmate stardust…

i think we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls

soulmate stardust…

the universe puts
little bits of stardust in them;
memory dust… soul traces…
so we can know.
ones that say things like…
i remember you.
i’ve been looking for you.
i couldn’t come here and
not find you… i had to find you.
i am for you.
and when we’re near them,
they don’t have to say a thing;
we feel it in our senses…
we just know.

– butterflies rising

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we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls…

i think we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls

where we are drawn and pulled. and when we are shifted and stirred. in what makes us feel. and feel alive. or feel understood, like outstretched hands and lifelines, like home. in our self-searching, where we feel soul memory. or in the inspiration touches and in what feels like free and brings us wide-lung breathing. and in our fire-catching and lightning-chasing, they meet us there with sparks. where we light-find and heart-reach or lose breath and dream wild… i think we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls.

– butterflies rising

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don’t just stay still, go and dream your wild dreams, love…

don't just stay still, go and dream your wild dreams, love

don’t just stay still,
go and dream your wild dreams, love,
and chase your racing heartbeats…
find your spark and feed it, and play in your own fire,
and i promise… they’ll find you.
they’ll meet you where moonlight meets soul light
and where everything you both ache for collides,
because their fire will be drawn to your fire.

– butterflies rising

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dream your wild dreams, love…

her fire is drawn to your fire

your wild dreams, love,
and chase your racing heartbeats,
find it and feed it and play in your own fire…
and she’ll find you.
she’ll meet you where moonlight meets soul light
and everything you both ache for collides,
because her fire is drawn to your fire.

– butterflies rising

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she’s beautiful chaos and wild butterflies…

she's a wildflower on fire with all that sweet soul sugar

she’s a
wildflower on fire
with all that sweet soul sugar
and an ache inside to unfold
and to grow into so much more,
all that destiny written in her eyes,
she’s wild butterflies,
and she feels her heart pulled
under the wild of the moon to face her fears
and to find her way through all of the dark
and the heavy that she’s carried for so long…
there’s fight here,
but there’s surrender here too.
and there could be so much freedom here
if she could just let herself fall into that
beautiful chaos and dig deep into
that passion in her bones…
she could uncover all the beautiful things
that those wildfires inside of her hold.

– butterflies rising

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touch stars with me…

i'm restless and wild again... and all i wanna do is get lost with you. - butterflies rising

i’m restless
and wild again and all
i wanna do is get lost with you…
i’m on edge in my skin
and the stillness feels loud
and slowing it all down isn’t going
to calm this wildfire heart…
i want to chase where it’s racing to
and follow what it’s aching for,
so take me somewhere beautiful and
show me something breathtaking;
let’s go somewhere with less gravity…
break free with me.
touch stars with me.
lose time with me…
because this restlessness
is running wild again, but the peace
always feels like you.

– butterflies rising

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somewhere there is a lover who will kiss you like you have poetry and addiction on your lips…

somewhere there is a lover who will kiss you like you have poetry and addiction on your lips

there is a lover who
will kiss you like you have
poetry and addiction
on your lips
and needs your touch
and taste like mercy
on their soul

– butterflies rising

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