freedom and trust aren’t strangers to each other at all…

that's the thing about freedom and trust... they aren't strangers to each other at all

that’s the thing about freedom and trust… they aren’t strangers to each other at all. i don’t think you ever feel more like letting your heart run wild than you do with someone to whom the state of your heart matters. and i don’t think you ever feel yourself more pulled as strongly as you do to someone who makes you feel free.

– butterflies rising

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and there are all of these beautiful things… sunlight, goodness, stars… you…

sometimes this world feels like the heaviest place that we could ever know, and it aches just to breathe here.

this world feels
like the heaviest place
that we could ever know,
and it aches just to breathe here.
but then i look around,
and there are all of these
beautiful things… sunlight,
goodness, stars… you.

– butterflies rising

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don’t just stay still, go and dream your wild dreams, love…

don't just stay still, go and dream your wild dreams, love

don’t just stay still,
go and dream your wild dreams, love,
and chase your racing heartbeats…
find your spark and feed it, and play in your own fire,
and i promise… they’ll find you.
they’ll meet you where moonlight meets soul light
and where everything you both ache for collides,
because their fire will be drawn to your fire.

– butterflies rising

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dream your wild dreams, love…

her fire is drawn to your fire

your wild dreams, love,
and chase your racing heartbeats,
find it and feed it and play in your own fire…
and she’ll find you.
she’ll meet you where moonlight meets soul light
and everything you both ache for collides,
because her fire is drawn to your fire.

– butterflies rising

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that moment right before something wild and beautiful is about to happen…

that moment right before something wild and beautiful is about to happen

that moment right before something wild
and beautiful is about to happen…

it’s why that girl loves a drop… you get pulled into
that moment that holds your breath, and then the music
takes you over like you’re high on soul-driven adrenaline /
and that feeling right before a kiss… there’s that universe
that only the two of you exist in… and then the kiss takes
over your whole body like some kind of love-flavored
mescaline / it’s the let-go before the give-in / the suspension
before the collision / when we hand our head over to our
heart and let something made of magic find its way in

…she likes the way that feels… that moment right before
something wild and beautiful is about to happen.

– butterflies rising

– butterflies rising

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something wild and beautiful could happen…

that moment right before something wild and beautiful is about to happen

that moment right before something wild
and beautiful is about to happen…

it’s that moment in a song right before the drop…
you get pulled into the way it holds your breath, and then the
music takes over you like you’re high on soul-driven adrenaline /
or that feeling right before a kiss, there’s that universe that only
the two of you exist in… and then the kiss takes over your
whole body like some kind of love-flavored spark of heaven /
it’s the feeling of the let-go before the give-in / the suspension
right before the collision / it’s when we hand our head over
to our heart and let something made of magic find its way in

what if we could live our lives in more of that feeling, just
letting go of the need to control it all… maybe we could feel a
little more trust in the universe then… and maybe even
something wild and beautiful could happen.

– butterflies rising

– butterflies rising

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