soulmate stardust…

i think we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls

soulmate stardust…

the universe puts
little bits of stardust in them;
memory dust… soul traces…
so we can know.
ones that say things like…
i remember you.
i’ve been looking for you.
i couldn’t come here and
not find you… i had to find you.
i am for you.
and when we’re near them,
they don’t have to say a thing;
we feel it in our senses…
we just know.

– butterflies rising

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we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls…

i think we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls

where we are drawn and pulled. and when we are shifted and stirred. in what makes us feel. and feel alive. or feel understood, like outstretched hands and lifelines, like home. in our self-searching, where we feel soul memory. or in the inspiration touches and in what feels like free and brings us wide-lung breathing. and in our fire-catching and lightning-chasing, they meet us there with sparks. where we light-find and heart-reach or lose breath and dream wild… i think we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls.

– butterflies rising

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she wanders out in the flowers, in the wild…

like she's a beautiful wildness on fire

she wanders
out in the flowers,
in the wild, where the breathing
is easy and free… because it’s where
the judgment goes quiet…
and everything beautiful is so untouched.
it’s just beautiful. and wild. and fearless.
and whether it grows into something more
or burns down and has to start again,
it just does… fearlessly.
beautifully. and wild.
so she wanders out where she
can learn to see herself that way;
to see herself in the way that she looks
at flowers… like she’s a beautiful
wildness on fire.

– butterflies rising

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i think it’s breathtaking… how your heart just spills out: your wildfire heart spilling out…

how your heart just spills out of you. it's some kind of soul ache just... pouring. out.

i think it’s
how your heart just
spills out of you.
it’s some kind of soul ache
just… pouring. out.
it’s somewhere dark that
your spirit has had to fight from…
there’s wreckage where it all comes from,
and there are times that just being
human feels like a violence.
but beautiful things spill out of you
the way wildfires burn… the way
butterflies fly wild… the way fireflies glow
…so let your heart be fire. and let your
soul be wild. and let your spirit glow.
because the way it all spills out of you
is just… breathtaking.

– butterflies rising

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Wildfire Heart… i think it’s breathtaking… it’s some kind of soul ache just… pouring. out.

how your heart just spills out of you. it's some kind of soul ache just... pouring. out.

Wildfire Heart…

i think it’s breathtaking…
how your heart just spills out of you.
it’s some kind of soul ache just… pouring. out.
it’s somewhere dark that
your spirit has had to fight from…
but beautiful things spill out of you
the way wildfires burn… the way
butterflies fly wild… the way fireflies glow…
the way it all spills out of you
is just… breathtaking.

– butterflies rising

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