she’s remembering her soul dna… how it’s magic-touched. how she’s flower essence….

she's remembering her soul dna... how it's magic-touched. how she's flower essence. how she's fire soul

she’s remembering her soul dna…
how it’s magic-touched. how she’s flower essence.
how she’s fire soul. how she’s allowed to trust that she’s
protected and carried on her way… even in the unknown,
even in the wild. and that her lungs should breathe
so freely and her wings should be untethered… and that
the voice that should have the most say here
is the one inside her heart.

– butterflies rising

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my love stories have been devastatingly beautiful but devastatingly heartbreaking, too…

my love stories have been devastatingly beautiful but devastatingly heartbreaking, too

my love stories have been
devastatingly beautiful but devastatingly
heartbreaking, too… things have felt so spiritual
and so brutally human all at once. and i think i’m learning
to let it all be true, to let myself feel all the things i’ve
so passionately felt, but still keep letting go of
what isn’t meant to stay.

– butterflies rising

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a perfect night… anywhere. it doesn’t matter where if it ends up with you and me…

a perfect night... anywhere. it doesn't matter where if it ends up with you and me somewhere, just talking about anything and everything

a perfect night…

anywhere. it doesn’t matter where
if it ends up with you and me somewhere,
just talking about anything and everything
until sunrise, not wanting to leave the
energy we’re feeling for anything, ever.
a perfect night is one with the
“good night” you don’t
want to say.

– butterflies rising

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the way a sure but quiet & genuine confidence is so wildly attractive…

the way a sure but quiet & genuine confidence is so wildly attractive, when someone owns their energy

the way a sure but quiet & genuine confidence is so wildly attractive… when someone owns their energy, and you can feel how their vibe is just effortlessly radiating the texture of their soul… that kind of authenticity has some kind of pull.

– butterflies rising

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am i safe here, am i seen here, can i breathe here…

am i safe here, am i seen here, can i breathe here, do i bloom here, can i grow here, can i glow here

am i safe here, am i seen here, can i breathe here,
do i bloom here, can i grow here, can i glow here,
do i feel free here, does my pulse stir and my heart
beat here, can i trust this, is there truth here,
is it beautiful here… do i feel beautiful here,
and not just do i feel loved here…
but do i get to love me here.

out of all the questions i have with someone…
i think the ones that ask, “what does it feel like here?”
are my most important ones.

– butterflies rising

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soulmate stardust…

i think we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls

soulmate stardust…

the universe puts
little bits of stardust in them;
memory dust… soul traces…
so we can know.
ones that say things like…
i remember you.
i’ve been looking for you.
i couldn’t come here and
not find you… i had to find you.
i am for you.
and when we’re near them,
they don’t have to say a thing;
we feel it in our senses…
we just know.

– butterflies rising

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freedom and trust aren’t strangers to each other at all…

that's the thing about freedom and trust... they aren't strangers to each other at all

that’s the thing about freedom and trust… they aren’t strangers to each other at all. i don’t think you ever feel more like letting your heart run wild than you do with someone to whom the state of your heart matters. and i don’t think you ever feel yourself more pulled as strongly as you do to someone who makes you feel free.

– butterflies rising

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and there are all of these beautiful things… sunlight, goodness, stars… you…

sometimes this world feels like the heaviest place that we could ever know, and it aches just to breathe here.

this world feels
like the heaviest place
that we could ever know,
and it aches just to breathe here.
but then i look around,
and there are all of these
beautiful things… sunlight,
goodness, stars… you.

– butterflies rising

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