don’t just stay still, go and dream your wild dreams, love…

don't just stay still, go and dream your wild dreams, love

don’t just stay still,
go and dream your wild dreams, love,
and chase your racing heartbeats…
find your spark and feed it, and play in your own fire,
and i promise… they’ll find you.
they’ll meet you where moonlight meets soul light
and where everything you both ache for collides,
because their fire will be drawn to your fire.

– butterflies rising

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dream your wild dreams, love…

her fire is drawn to your fire

your wild dreams, love,
and chase your racing heartbeats,
find it and feed it and play in your own fire…
and she’ll find you.
she’ll meet you where moonlight meets soul light
and everything you both ache for collides,
because her fire is drawn to your fire.

– butterflies rising

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somewhere there is a lover who will kiss you like you have poetry and addiction on your lips…

somewhere there is a lover who will kiss you like you have poetry and addiction on your lips

there is a lover who
will kiss you like you have
poetry and addiction
on your lips
and needs your touch
and taste like mercy
on their soul

– butterflies rising

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trust fall… maybe there are a few hard edges in you…

a little softness, and a little good love... that's all we have to be.

maybe there are
a few hard edges in you
and they just need a little soft touch,
and there are these tender places
in me that just need to know
this is a good love,
and maybe that thing i feel in the
way you take my hand…
how it’s slow, but certain,
i think it’s how we feel the light come in,
and maybe for just this moment
a little softness, and a little good love…
that’s all we have to be.

– trust fall

– butterflies rising

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the still places become breathing…

you turn these still places into breathing

you turn these still
places into breathing,
this. warm sun… how it wakes
a motion

you take this feeling in me
and turn it into a high road,
and an open life

you can’t come here and ask me
to feel all this love, and not turn it
into the shape of you…
you make everything beautiful,
everything about you is
made of soul

and you say we’ll find a way…
promise me we’ll find our way

– butterflies rising

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you said, tell me where you’ve been, love (the way to here)…

you said, tell me where you've been, love

you said,
tell me where you’ve been, love

and i thought of all the lost roads,
and dark corners,
and heavy work, and heartbreak,
and of all the healing

and i just said…
on my way here

– butterflies rising

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