being affected by things is beautiful…

a heart that changes shape when something moves you

…a heart that changes shape when something moves you

Say this to yourself as much as you need to hear it…

“Being affected by things is beautiful.”

As overwhelming as it can get… it is beautiful. And your heart may get a little worn out and weary at times, but it grows and expands and makes space for more… more beauty, more love, more compassion, more passion… you are moved, and affected, and changed, and expanded by things, and it’s beautiful.

– butterflies rising

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angels and earth: some of us just aren’t made for how hard the edges are here…

love a little deeper, and burn a little brighter, and maybe, just maybe, we make it a little softer here for someone.

some of us just aren’t made
for how hard the edges are here,
for how slow pain moves,
or how lost light can get,
and how heavy it all can weigh…

we’re surely not made for how flawed humans love.

but while we’re here…
we can try to love a little deeper,
and burn a little brighter, and maybe, just maybe,
we make it a little softer here for someone.

– angels and earth

– butterflies rising

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i’ve learned to be gentle with that part of me that takes it in so deeply…

what it’s like to trace a soul in my fingertips

i’ve learned to
be gentle with that part of
me that takes it in so deeply
and holds on to it for far too long,

that’s also the part of me that loves
like an awakening and knows what it’s like
to trace a soul in my fingertips

– butterflies rising

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i’m going to learn from this… and i’m going to grow…

somebody that someone, somewhere is recovering from

someday i’m going
to love someone, and i’m going
to lay at their feet more love than they
could’ve ever imagined

…and you will never be anything
more to anyone than somebody that
someone, somewhere is
recovering from

– butterflies rising

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