on heartbreak and healing… there isn’t just “something to be fixed” here; there’s a journey to take…

i have to believe that pain doesn't just wear our hearts out; that it stretches them with purpose

on heartbreak and healing…

there isn’t just
“something to be fixed” here;
there’s a journey to take…
you aren’t going to go through this
just to go back to who you were before.
and this heartbreak may feel
like a burning season,
but there’s a promise in this violence…
the healing will be a blooming season,
and alchemy is the way through.
you’re meant to come out of this something
different and beautiful on the other side.

– butterflies rising

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this heart won’t give up…

i have to believe that pain doesn't just wear our hearts out; that it stretches them with purpose - butterflies rising

this love story
has been a slow fall.
and these wings
have been a slow unfold.
and there has been a fight here
for my worth, and it sure has
been a hard-fought one,
and this road home has been a long one…
but there’s a little bit of light here now.
and even though it’s been a long
time coming… the light is coming.
and as uncertain as i am
of how much farther i have to go,
i know now that i’ve got it in me to keep going.
and until i feel free… i know now that
this heart won’t give up.

– butterflies rising

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wider-winged and brighter-lighted…

what if today i breathe easy here in my skin, and exhale - butterflies rising

what if today
i breathe easy here in my skin,
and exhale, unafraid, trusting that there is a
destiny-kissed grace saving me from any cruel wind that
may blow back. i could stand a little stronger in my space…
knowing that it’s universe-given and me-shaped.

maybe i’ll even glow a little here,
be a little wider-winged and brighter-lighted.
let myself consider that everything i am
and all that i want to be is ok.

and maybe not just ok… but what if i am perfectly on purpose.
and what if i can trust that every next step is the one i’m meant
to take and that even when i feel wayward, i’m still always
on my destiny-blessed way.

– butterflies rising

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something i can trust…

if i'm being honest... my relationship with trust is a distant one - butterflies rising

something i can trust…

if i’m being honest… my relationship with trust
is a distant one, and my trust in the universe is a timid thing
because life has felt bigger, and this path has felt harder
at times than i’ve been able to take.

and i’m still trying to believe that i am growing wings
that were measured just for me, that are right-sized just. for. this.
strong enough to lift me through it and beautiful enough to
make it all worth it. but this distance with trust has made me
feel anything but sure… and i guess trust is a muscle memory
i just don’t yet have.

but i want to.

so when the light seems quiet, and the guidance
feels hushed, i’m going to lean in. because maybe it’s gone
quiet to get me to lean in… just so i can learn that when the voice
inside has something to say… that it’s something i can trust.

– butterflies rising

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trying to believe that i am growing wings that were measured just for me…

trying to believe that i am growing wings that were measured just for me - butterflies rising

trying to believe
that i am growing wings
that were measured just for me,
that are right-sized just. for. this.
and when the voice inside
has something to say…
that it’s something
i can trust.

– butterflies rising

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something like wings… through all the layers of dark and unsure…

that wild in your heart and those flowers in your chest and the fire in your blood

something like wings…

through all the
layers of dark and unsure
that wild in your heart
and those flowers in your chest
and the fire in your blood
and that feeling that you’re going
to break. free. some. how.
have stirred within you
in spite of everything that has
tried to weigh heavy on your soul.
there’s always been an ache in your
back that has felt something like wings…
something inside of you has always
been trying to carry you.

– butterflies rising

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you’re a wild butterfly finding your way…

maybe you go a little wayward and get a little reckless, but be easy on your restless heart

what if the
raging inside of you
is something beautiful…
your curiosity stretching
and your soul stirring…
all that wildflower energy in your veins.
and the ache is everything you’ve suffocated
for so long just trying to find some way to breathe.
and when it feels like you’re burning it all down,
you’re just still learning how to burn bright.
maybe you go a little wayward
and get a little reckless,
but be easy on your restless heart;
have a little grace with your fire…
you’re a wild butterfly finding your way,
just a girl growing wings.

– butterflies rising

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he said, what do you want? i said… you…

the way you give me butterflies and adrenaline highs

he said,
what do you want?
i said… you.
he said,
no. i want to know what you want… for you.

i want…
to search. and stretch. and grow. and glow.
and drip myself in wild creativity,
and burn and breathe at once
in this skin. in these lungs.
wings untethered, under the moon, into the sky,
and to dream big and bigger and biggest,
and to feel free in here… inside my anxious chest.
to just. feel. free.
and to have the universe say… yes, you are worthy of all this.

and yes… you.
…the way you give me butterflies and adrenaline highs,
and who you are, and how you are, and how you think and
speak and feel and exist and move,
and there’s this feeling when you look at me… i think
this is maybe love… how you actually give a damn
about all this mess inside my head.

– butterflies rising

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