just a little…

i can get a little reckless when my heart is restless - butterflies rising

and maybe,
sometimes i back up
just a little,
just to breathe…
to steady in me.
and maybe, sometimes,
my fingers will untangle
just a little,
just to feel…
how to be mine, all mine.
and maybe,
i can get a little reckless
when my heart is restless,
but it’s still always yours,
all yours.

– butterflies rising

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forever trying to reconcile this hopelessly romantic heart…

i'm such a soft lover... and a wild wanderer

forever trying
to reconcile this hopelessly
romantic heart and this fiercely
independent soul

i’m such a soft lover…
and a wild wanderer

but i think you’re where
all of me finds home

– butterflies rising

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this world is too wide and this universe is too big and you are just too beautiful…

there is just way too much inside of you for you to let this be the end

this world is
too wide
and this universe
is too big
and you are just
too beautiful
and there is just
way too much inside of you
for you to let this
be the end

– butterflies rising

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