between soul and skin…

maybe tonight we just dissolve into the stars... leaving gravity behind

maybe tonight
we just dissolve into the stars…
leaving gravity behind,
quieting our heads and trading
all our dreams and curiosities
between soul and skin.
i just. get. restless.
and i can’t stay too human
for too long… it’s too heavy.
i need to leave the atmosphere,
or pull your soul aesthetic closer;
close enough to taste moon dust
in the back of my throat.
and whether we actually transcend
or just lose all sense…
i don’t care.
let’s break open and
scatter and spill and spill…
our wild universes
colliding under these stars.

– butterflies rising

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i’m going to learn from this… and i’m going to grow…

somebody that someone, somewhere is recovering from

someday i’m going
to love someone, and i’m going
to lay at their feet more love than they
could’ve ever imagined

…and you will never be anything
more to anyone than somebody that
someone, somewhere is
recovering from

– butterflies rising

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i hope that one day the person who hurt you sees you from afar…

standing strong in your fully mended bones

i hope that one day
the person who hurt you sees you from afar
dancing in the radiance of
your unburdened spirit and standing
strong in your fully mended bones…

and that for just a moment you feel their gaze,
so you can forever know, without question,
the powerlessness of their
perception over you

– butterflies rising

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