love her flowers and fire…

love her flowers and fire

he loved my fire…
as long as i was held tight within his grasp.
but when i was out of his line of sight,
i’d better be somewhere
soft-voiced and southern-charmed,
sitting still and not looking too pretty.
and so i made myself sweeter and smaller
and less and less and less, for his fears…
and in the end, he still couldn’t love me.
and i didn’t love me either.
but i’m slowly starting to…
and i want to love all of me.

so the next time a boy wants to bring me flowers,
he has to want to love my fire too.

– butterflies rising

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the still places become breathing…

you turn these still places into breathing

you turn these still
places into breathing,
this. warm sun… how it wakes
a motion

you take this feeling in me
and turn it into a high road,
and an open life

you can’t come here and ask me
to feel all this love, and not turn it
into the shape of you…
you make everything beautiful,
everything about you is
made of soul

and you say we’ll find a way…
promise me we’ll find our way

– butterflies rising

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what if only…

what if only, when you feel her reaching for you, you could reach too.

what if only,
when you feel
her reaching for you,
you could reach too.
maybe go a little higher.
just let yourself stretch.
and let your heart grow.
what if only,
instead of pulling away,
instead of trying to pull her down,
you could just go a little higher.
you could let her fire be bright.
and you could let your fear be small.
what if only
you could let the way you see
yourself be stretched…
you could let your whole. soul. grow.
i know you wonder what it could be like…
if maybe it’s beautiful there.
so what if only…

– butterflies rising

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