the beautiful things they do…

the stunningly beautiful things they do

The Beautiful Things They Do…

if you keep trying to find love
with people who are broken inside
you will spend your energy and the moments
of your life, so lost, searching for understanding
of why they do all of the harmful, destructive
things they do…

but if you can be patient with love,
and save yourself for a love
with someone who is whole within,
then you will get to live your moments
and spend this journey endlessly in awe of the
way they do all of the stunningly
beautiful things they do.

– butterflies rising

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you were given this passionate heart you were given… and it just isn’t made to settle…

you were given this passionate heart you were given... and it just isn't made to settle

you were given this passionate heart you were given… and it just isn’t made to settle… you have to choose the greatest love, and you’re meant to chase the greatest life

– butterflies rising

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your heart isn’t made to settle… you must choose the greatest love…

you must choose the greatest love, and you have to chase the greatest life

your heart
isn’t made to settle…
you must choose the greatest love,
and you have to chase the
greatest life

– butterflies rising

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angels and earth: some of us just aren’t made for how hard the edges are here…

love a little deeper, and burn a little brighter, and maybe, just maybe, we make it a little softer here for someone.

some of us just aren’t made
for how hard the edges are here,
for how slow pain moves,
or how lost light can get,
and how heavy it all can weigh…

we’re surely not made for how flawed humans love.

but while we’re here…
we can try to love a little deeper,
and burn a little brighter, and maybe, just maybe,
we make it a little softer here for someone.

– angels and earth

– butterflies rising

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