you walk in like a sure thing…

all that destiny in those wild eyes

you walk in
like a sure thing…
and i don’t mean
easy skin,
i mean sure love and
steady hands,
all that destiny in those wild eyes,
so much passion in that wild heart,
all the marks on you
and the strength in you
from the mountains within you
that you’ve scaled to get here…
it’s beautiful.
so many moons in you.
all to find your way to this light that’s
burning for you within me.

– butterflies rising

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you are worthy of all this…

drip myself in wild creativity and burn - butterflies rising

i want…
to search. and stretch.
and grow. and glow.
and drip myself in
wild creativity,
and burn and breathe at once
in this skin. in these lungs.
wings untethered,
under the moon,
into the sky,
and to dream big and bigger
and biggest,
and to feel free in here…
inside my anxious chest.
to just. feel. free.
and to have the universe
say… yes, you are worthy of all this.

– butterflies rising

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