this chaos in us is beautiful…

this chaos in us is beautiful

let yourself just
feel for a moment.
head quiet.
however… wherever… all over.
then maybe you could see what i see…
how this chaos in us is beautiful.
and how we don’t have to sort it out.
if you want, we could tell each other everything,
but we could also say nothing,
and let this be enough. because just this,
it’s everything.
and just you…
it’s more than enough.

– butterflies rising

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you feel like home, and everywhere i’ve never been…

you feel like home, and everywhere i’ve never been, all at once

i don’t know why it is, but…
you feel like home,
and everywhere i’ve never been,
all at once.
it doesn’t make sense…
or maybe it does?
maybe love is the safest place you could ever be,
and every new and undiscovered place
you have yet to go,
all at the same time.
i think that’s perfectly how it’s
supposed to feel.

– butterflies rising

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a woman’s worth…

let a woman have her own worth

let a woman
have her own worth.
let her value be found in who she is.
not in who she is to a man.
not in who she is to whom she supports,
or serves, or takes care of, or carries weight for.
not who she is in the context of anyone else’s story.
just who she is. as she is.

and worthy.

– butterflies rising

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my own worth…

i am allowed to have my own worth. to find my value in who i am.

i am allowed to have my own worth.
to find my value in who i am.
not in who i am to a man.
not in who i am to whom i support, or serve,
or take care of, or carry weight for.
not who i am in the context of
anyone else’s story.

just who i am, as i am…
bare, alone, unburdened, beautiful, and worthy.

– butterflies rising

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lost and found…

first, i got lost in his eyes, and in his words, and in his arms

Lost And Found…

first, i got lost
in his eyes, and in his words,
and in his arms holding me…
then i got lost in all the lies he told,
and i was just… lost.

but then i looked myself
in the eyes, and i started to find my voice,
and i learned to hold myself up,
and i began searching for my truth,
and now… i’m finding my way,
and i’m finding myself.

– butterflies rising

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