you will
hurt her, and rage
against her, and completely push
her away, and once she’s gone…
you’re going to find that this war was
inside of you all along
– the mirror
– butterflies rising
Read More →you will
hurt her, and rage
against her, and completely push
her away, and once she’s gone…
you’re going to find that this war was
inside of you all along
– the mirror
– butterflies rising
Read More →beautiful stardust…
when you love wildly,
your heart can break so. intensely.
and passionate pain is brutal pain…
but it’s powerful pain too.
it stirs us in our soul places. and even when it
feels like it burns right through us and tears us apart,
it can be a catalyst if we let it.
we can pour it into things like music and art
and poetry… or turn it into growth and change
and inspiration and all these other beautiful things
that we can become and can spill
out into the world.
when you love intensely,
your heart can break so. intensely.so keep loving deep…
and keep your heart wilder than wild…
and breathe it all out as beautiful stardust.
– butterflies rising
Read More →while we’re here… we can try to love a little deeper, and burn a little brighter, and maybe, just maybe, we make it a little softer here for someone.
– butterflies rising
Read More →some of us just aren’t made
for how hard the edges are here,
for how slow pain moves,
or how lost light can get,
and how heavy it all can weigh…
we’re surely not made for how flawed humans love.
but while we’re here…
we can try to love a little deeper,
and burn a little brighter, and maybe, just maybe,
we make it a little softer here for someone.
– angels and earth
– butterflies rising
Read More →keep letting go
of all of these things that
hurt to hold on to…
let it all fall through your fingers
until you feel free
– butterflies rising
Read More →In Autumn…
i want to let go of all
of the things that hurt too much
and are too heavy to hold on to…
i want to let it all fall through my fingers
until i finally feel free
– butterflies rising
Read More →in this existence of her…
in this moment
he just wanted to be in
this soft, sweet, wild, burning
existence of her
– butterflies rising
Read More →a wild heart burning…
you stay still
waiting for a cold heart to
warm towards you,
while somewhere else out there
is a wild heart burning,
so untamed, and so unafraid to light up
everything in you
– butterflies rising
Read More →