another life…

i can no longer wear that shade of unworthiness, or hold that self-unkindness

and if you
took me for granted…
you must know that that
was another life.
and i have found my way
to a new life.
and you are just not welcome here.

because i can no longer
wear that shade of unworthiness,
or hold that self-unkindness,
that let me live a life
where the people i let close to me
ever treated me as anything less than
a blessing in theirs.

– butterflies rising

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the spaces we’ve called love…

love can’t exist in a space without kindness

the spaces we’ve called love…

it’s heartbreaking
how many of us have felt in love
with people who were not even kind
to us…

how many of us weren’t taught that
love can’t exist in a space without kindness.
or without respect. or in a space that
doesn’t honor us and cherish us.

so many of us are learning that the spaces
we’ve called being in love, weren’t
spaces of love at all

– butterflies rising

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It was the way he just stood there and wore
a badge next to Mr. Carlos and Mr. Smith
as they raised their fists.
Support, but, a quiet and humble support.

He wasn’t “allowing” them to be equal, or “giving” them
some sort of power, he was simply saying…
You are already equal, and I support you as you
step into your own power.

And that felt right to me. Genuine. Pure. Like an
acknowledgment that oppression of others is really just an
illusion of “betterness” built up from some mix of arrogance,
ignorance, internal lack… unconsciousness. And it’s such
a condescending thing, the idea that we “let” other people be
worthy… as if it’s ours to decide.

And it wasn’t just in that moment, he stayed convicted to
what he believed was right and good for the rest of his life,
And he was rejected for it, for the rest of his life.
But he stayed convicted to what was right and good.

So if in my life I have that same kind of privilege
because of something as surface as my skin,
then I hope I carry that same kind of courage and
conviction and humility in the depths of my being.

– Peter Norman / Solidarity

– butterflies rising

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the best of you…

love isn’t about demanding that someone else takes the worst of you

it isn’t always about judgment
when someone else can’t accept how you are,
sometimes it’s about their self-love

sometimes how you are choosing to be
is harmful to others, and it’s nobody else’s
responsibility to just accept that,
it’s your responsibility to grow, and
to treat people better

love isn’t about demanding that
someone else takes the worst of you,
it’s about wanting to give someone
the best of you

– butterflies rising

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freedom of spirituality…

Freedom From Religion

Freedom of religion
honors your freedom to your religion,
but it also honors…
the freedom from your religion,
the freedom to practice other religions,
the freedom of spirituality that isn’t
found through or bound by religion,
and the freedom from any religion at all.

It’s the freedom to believe what
resonates as truth for you and brings
peace to your soul.

– butterflies rising

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