lost and found…

first, i got lost in his eyes, and in his words, and in his arms

Lost And Found…

first, i got lost
in his eyes, and in his words,
and in his arms holding me…
then i got lost in all the lies he told,
and i was just… lost.

but then i looked myself
in the eyes, and i started to find my voice,
and i learned to hold myself up,
and i began searching for my truth,
and now… i’m finding my way,
and i’m finding myself.

– butterflies rising

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the best of you…

love isn’t about demanding that someone else takes the worst of you

it isn’t always about judgment
when someone else can’t accept how you are,
sometimes it’s about their self-love

sometimes how you are choosing to be
is harmful to others, and it’s nobody else’s
responsibility to just accept that,
it’s your responsibility to grow, and
to treat people better

love isn’t about demanding that
someone else takes the worst of you,
it’s about wanting to give someone
the best of you

– butterflies rising

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because you are

People who are harmful in relationships don’t stay where there is love

People who are harmful in
relationships don’t
stay where there is love,
they stay where people put up
with not being loved.
And they don’t leave your life
because you’re not worthy of love…
they are removed from your life
because you are, and they are not
capable of giving it.

– understanding discard

– butterflies rising

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freedom of spirituality…

Freedom From Religion

Freedom of religion
honors your freedom to your religion,
but it also honors…
the freedom from your religion,
the freedom to practice other religions,
the freedom of spirituality that isn’t
found through or bound by religion,
and the freedom from any religion at all.

It’s the freedom to believe what
resonates as truth for you and brings
peace to your soul.

– butterflies rising

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