if it comes close to you…

if it comes close to you, it has to be destiny-colored and deep. souled.

if it comes
close to you,
it has to be destiny-colored
and deep. souled.
there is too much gold in that skin
for anything but sure hands
to touch it.
there is too. much. fire. in that chest…
they’ve got to dance with your wildness
and play in your beautiful mess
and drip wild poetry on your lips
with their kiss.

if it comes close to you,
it has to feel like this.
nothing less.

– butterflies rising

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you don’t have to say a thing…

you just walk in, and my heart beats different.

i just know…
it’s soft next to you.
it’s safe if i come close.
and there’s destiny here,
there’s meant-to-be
in your hands.
and you don’t have
to say a thing,
it’s in the way i’m shifted…
you just walk in,
and my heart beats different.

– butterflies rising

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