i don’t know if there’s anything harder to let go of than the way a song makes you feel about them…

and when it ends... i don’t know if there's anything harder to let go of than the way a song makes you feel about them

and when it ends…
i don’t know if there’s anything
harder to let go of than the way a song
makes you feel about them

– when a music lover loves

– butterflies rising

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another life…

i can no longer wear that shade of unworthiness, or hold that self-unkindness

and if you
took me for granted…
you must know that that
was another life.
and i have found my way
to a new life.
and you are just not welcome here.

because i can no longer
wear that shade of unworthiness,
or hold that self-unkindness,
that let me live a life
where the people i let close to me
ever treated me as anything less than
a blessing in theirs.

– butterflies rising

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and every time they try to make you feel unworthy…

just go towards yourself. choose to love yourself more.

and every time they
try to make you feel unworthy…

just go towards yourself.
choose to love yourself more.
and build such an unshakable bond
with your worth that there’s just
nothing anyone can ever do
to take you away from it.

– butterflies rising

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i don’t know any other way…

and maybe it's just too vulnerable a thing... this ache to feel it all so deep

and maybe it’s just
too vulnerable a thing…
this ache to feel it all so deep,
to break myself so open,
to feel it all so sweet,
and to crave the wildest ways
that it can burn,
to let it make me such a mess and
bring me to such an edge,
to let all be such an
untamed. passionate thing.
maybe none of this is the safest way to love…
but i don’t know any other way.

– butterflies rising

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