she’s beautiful chaos and wild butterflies…

she's a wildflower on fire with all that sweet soul sugar

she’s a
wildflower on fire
with all that sweet soul sugar
and an ache inside to unfold
and to grow into so much more,
all that destiny written in her eyes,
she’s wild butterflies,
and she feels her heart pulled
under the wild of the moon to face her fears
and to find her way through all of the dark
and the heavy that she’s carried for so long…
there’s fight here,
but there’s surrender here too.
and there could be so much freedom here
if she could just let herself fall into that
beautiful chaos and dig deep into
that passion in her bones…
she could uncover all the beautiful things
that those wildfires inside of her hold.

– butterflies rising

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a wildflower on fire…

she's a wildflower on fire - butterflies rising

she’s a
wildflower on fire
with all that
sweet soul sugar
making your heart. beat.
and your skin cells rise,
she’s wild butterflies,
and the way she looks at you
under a wild moon
making your pulse move,
her beautiful chaos
asking you to dig deep
into that passion in your bones
and bleed out all those beautiful things
that your own wildfires hold.

– butterflies rising

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as many things as you want to be…

in spite of anyone else's barriers and limitations and boxes and stories...  i hope you let yourself dream. and search. and discover.

in spite of anyone else’s barriers
and limitations and boxes and stories…

i hope you let yourself dream.
and search. and discover. and grow.
and be many-layered, and curious, and unlimited…
and passionate and wild… and soft and vulnerable…
and have depth or lightness…
and be found or lost…

and be as many other things as you want to be.

and i hope you find a way to be unafraid and
unapologetic and undeterred as you do…

because other people’s barriers
and limitations and boxes and stories
are just that… theirs.

– butterflies rising

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chosen by you…

i hope you know you matter now chosen by no one belonging to yourself

no matter what… i hope you know…
that you matter.
for yourself. by yourself.
and belonging to yourself.

and with the paths you do… or don’t
take in your life,
i hope that they are chosen by you.
and that you can hear and follow the voice
in your own soul, and no matter any noise…
be able to find your own way.

– butterflies rising

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when you let it all spill out of you….

it’s stunning when you let why you’re here spill out of you - butterflies rising

if you are someone like me,
who has struggled to find and use
your voice in this life, be gentle with
yourself as you find it. but also know…
what you think. and feel. and believe.
and have to say,
however you find your own way to say it…
it matters.

and it’s beautiful when you let your
heart spill out of you.

– butterflies rising

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