i’ve learned to be gentle with that part of me that takes it in so deeply…

what it’s like to trace a soul in my fingertips

i’ve learned to
be gentle with that part of
me that takes it in so deeply
and holds on to it for far too long,

that’s also the part of me that loves
like an awakening and knows what it’s like
to trace a soul in my fingertips

– butterflies rising

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how powerful music can be…

that’s just how powerful music can be. it’s such an aesthetic in our existence.

…some songs are just barely becoming safe again,
and some songs maybe never will be.

and i think that’s just how powerful music can be.
it’s such an aesthetic in our existence. we feel so much
from it, and because of it, and through it… and
so it can break us completely open in heartbreak,
but i wouldn’t trade that for how much it makes us feel
alive and free and infinite, and in love, in all of
the beautiful moments.

– butterflies rising

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one that shouts to the heavens in your honor

you’ve been chasing down
the kind of love
that greets you with nothing more
than a shoulder shrug…
the kind that whimpers your name in apathy,

don’t you know that you deserve a love
that holds so much abundance,
one that shouts to the heavens in your honor

queen / king

– butterflies rising

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sometimes what you feel about someone just isn’t enough…

sometimes what you feel about someone just isn’t enough

sometimes what you feel
about someone just isn’t enough.

it just isn’t.

because what they feel about themselves
will try to destroy what you feel about yourself
if you get close to them.

– butterflies rising

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