new love needs fresh air…

new love needs fresh air

you want to love again… but first,
you have to put to rest the unrest that you
felt with the hands you held before.
you gave that half-love your full attention for
so long, and now your heart needs to take
some space to breathe… new love needs fresh air.

– butterflies rising

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a graceful exit…

i love like flowers and fire...

i love like flowers and fire…
i don’t know any other way.
soft and vulnerable,
and wild and burning…
with my heart broken. wide. open.
and even though he came in like wildfire,
he was just. broken.
and hardened. and filled with an
ugliness raging inside of him
and he thought that if he raged
hard enough against me
that he could rage an ugliness out
from inside of me too.
then he could say, “see, it’s you.”
that he could be so hard to love that
he could make me feel hard to love too.
but i just softly left the room.
a graceful exit.
and i wrote all my feelings down to shed
his hardened residue.
and to remind myself of all the ways
that there are such beautiful and tender
things in me… always.

– butterflies rising

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the best of you…

love isn’t about demanding that someone else takes the worst of you

it isn’t always about judgment
when someone else can’t accept how you are,
sometimes it’s about their self-love

sometimes how you are choosing to be
is harmful to others, and it’s nobody else’s
responsibility to just accept that,
it’s your responsibility to grow, and
to treat people better

love isn’t about demanding that
someone else takes the worst of you,
it’s about wanting to give someone
the best of you

– butterflies rising

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because you are

People who are harmful in relationships don’t stay where there is love

People who are harmful in
relationships don’t
stay where there is love,
they stay where people put up
with not being loved.
And they don’t leave your life
because you’re not worthy of love…
they are removed from your life
because you are, and they are not
capable of giving it.

– understanding discard

– butterflies rising

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