to see herself in the way that she looks at flowers…

like she's a beautiful wildness on fire - butterflies rising

she wanders
out in the flowers,
in the wild, where the breathing
is easy and free… because it’s where
the judgment goes quiet…
and everything beautiful is so untouched.
it’s just beautiful. and wild. and fearless.
and whether it grows into something more
or burns down and has to start again,
it just does… fearlessly.
beautifully. and wild.
so she wanders out where she
can learn to see herself that way;
to see herself in the way that she looks
at flowers… like she’s a beautiful
wildness on fire.

– butterflies rising

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go where you breathe free…

bloom wild and untamed and be unapologetic in your essence

go where you can
stretch out and reach
wide and high
and bloom wild and untamed
and be unapologetic in your essence
and reckless in your fire
and golden in your skin
and so. easy. in your breathing…
just. go.

go where you breathe free.

– butterflies rising

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that there are wilder sunsets and more colors to know. that there are still answers for what’s pulling at you….

i think you have to chase it. that thing that tells you... keep. going. that there are wilder sunsets

i think
you have to chase it.
that thing that tells you…
keep. going.
that there are wilder sunsets
and more colors to know.
that there are still answers for
what’s pulling at you.
that the emptiness and heartbreak aren’t
where love will leave you because somewhere
there is a lover who will kiss you like you have
poetry and addiction on your lips and who
needs your touch and taste like
mercy on their soul.
and there are all those virgin, unfelt things in you;
still untouched and tender and unfolding.
so you have to keep searching.
for all that soul stuff.
until your intangible aches are in the flesh
and that fire within you is spilling all around you…
i think you have to keep going.

– butterflies rising

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i think you have to chase it. that thing that tells you… keep. going…

you have to keep going. there are wilder sunsets and more colors to know.

you have to keep going.
there are wilder sunsets and more colors
to know. and there are still answers for what’s
pulling at you. and i think you have to chase them…
i think you have to keep going.

– butterflies rising

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the way you give me butterflies and adrenaline highs…

the way you give me butterflies and adrenaline highs

…the way you give me butterflies and adrenaline highs,
and who you are, and how you are, and how you think and
speak and feel and exist and move,
and there’s this feeling when you look at me… i think
this is maybe love… how you actually give a damn
about all this mess inside my head.

– butterflies rising

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he said, what do you want? i said… you…

the way you give me butterflies and adrenaline highs

he said,
what do you want?
i said… you.
he said,
no. i want to know what you want… for you.

i want…
to search. and stretch. and grow. and glow.
and drip myself in wild creativity,
and burn and breathe at once
in this skin. in these lungs.
wings untethered, under the moon, into the sky,
and to dream big and bigger and biggest,
and to feel free in here… inside my anxious chest.
to just. feel. free.
and to have the universe say… yes, you are worthy of all this.

and yes… you.
…the way you give me butterflies and adrenaline highs,
and who you are, and how you are, and how you think and
speak and feel and exist and move,
and there’s this feeling when you look at me… i think
this is maybe love… how you actually give a damn
about all this mess inside my head.

– butterflies rising

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