learn to let
yourself feel the soft things
when they come to you
– butterflies rising
Read More →i’m certain i love
with the entire force of the universe
and it feels too much to ask another
human to take that in
– butterflies rising
Read More →these soft, quiet,
intimate moments
that your heart is beating
are precious,
so if it takes
you out of your peace,
don’t give it your
little moments
– butterflies rising
Read More →when we let go of
the need to control it all
i think the universe listens…
instead of our old patterns we’ll get
spark-starters and soul awakeners,
and instead of the hard lessons we’ll be given
inspirers and spirit challengers
…and maybe it’s as simple as to just be curiosity.
– butterflies rising
Read More →i didn’t know how to measure my worth,
and it led me to someone who measured his worth
in attention from her, and also her, and her…
and any other her to hurt me
he thought there was power in possession and pain,
and that a man’s kingdom should be built
on the stepping of her back and the forfeit of her crown
so i forfeited. and i faded. but i’m learning things…
like how real lovers don’t come in numbers. they aren’t prisoners.
they’re not meant to be suffocated, or left for granted…
and how i’m full enough of wonder to hold someone’s attention,
that my full voice matters,
my full-bodied existence is beautiful,
and that a man on the strong side of oppression isn’t
the same thing as a man who is strong.
– butterflies rising
Read More →wanting everything
and ready for nothing,
intense energy
and inconsistent energy
terrify me all the same
when both passion and fear
have you fully consumed…
this is what it is to have a heart
born in the soft light of the virgo sun
and a sagittarian spirit that dances
under a restless gemini moon
– the sun, the moon, and my heart
– butterflies rising
Read More →what you have…
it isn’t here yet.
what you hold, what you are,
it’s why you’re here.
maybe you create, or shift and change,
or just love in a way this world doesn’t know yet.
whatever that light is… it’s your work here.
those things you feel in you
but don’t yet see,
you’re meant to breathe them
into being.
– lightwork
– butterflies rising
Read More →maybe sometimes
we’re delicate, and unsure,
and we don’t know what we’re ready to want,
so all that we’re really looking for
are people with good intentions towards us…
hoping for gentle in the unknown
– butterflies rising
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