when you let it all spill out of you….

what you think. and feel. and believe. and have to say, however you find your own way to say it... it matters.

if you are someone like me,
who has struggled to find and use
your voice in this life, be gentle with
yourself as you find it. but also know…
what you think. and feel. and believe.
and have to say,
however you find your own way to say it…
it matters.

and it's beautiful when you let your
heart spill out of you.

– butterflies rising

what you think. and feel. and believe. and have to say, however you find your own way to say it... it matters.

what you think. and feel. and believe. and have to say, however you find your own way to say it... it matters.

what you think. and feel. and believe. and have to say, however you find your own way to say it... it matters.