light up your own…

there is nothing about the way another woman unfolds into her own space that takes away from the way you can unfold into yours.

there is nothing about the way another woman unfolds into her own space that takes away from the way you can unfold into yours. you don’t need to try to dim any other woman’s brightness or put out any other woman’s fire; you only need to look inside and light up your own.

– butterflies rising

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look inside and light up your own…

start looking inside and light up your own.

you can’t actually
dim someone else’s brightness.
it’s part of them. it’s part of who they are.
and no matter what you do,
it’s not in your power to take it.
even if you try to create tarnish around them,
nothing you do can ever make them less bright
or beautiful or creative or magnetic or less of any other
thing that they hold within them.
trying to tear others down will only ever make you
feel less beautiful than you are.
no amount of trying to put out someone else’s light
is ever going to heal the darkness you feel.
and the truth is, that fight you feel against their glow
is just your soul aching for you to fight for your own.
so step back and take your focus off of them. take a breath in.
stop trying to put out someone else’s fire…
start looking inside and light up your own.

– butterflies rising

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war on other women…

start looking inside and light up your own.

trying to force another flower to close
will never help you bloom, and trying to put out
someone else’s fire will never help you burn…
waging war on other women is never going to give
you peace inside of yourself… and that’s what
you’re truly looking for.

– butterflies rising

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the woman we each want to be…

the way another woman unfolds into her own space... is her way. - butterflies rising

the way another woman
unfolds into her own space… is her way.
and the way you unfold into your
own space… is yours.

there is nothing about holding another
woman back or tearing another woman down
that will ever set you free.

our journeys are unique and intimate…
and our freedom comes from turning inward
and putting our energy into the woman
we each want to be.

– butterflies rising

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