(just go) go where you breathe free…

go where you can stretch out and reach wide and high and bloom wild and untamed

that little
voice inside of you…
it’s saying, “go.” so just go.
go where you can
stretch out and reach
wide and high
and bloom wild and untamed
and be unapologetic in your essence
and reckless in your fire
and golden in your skin
and so. easy. in your breathing…
just. go.
to wherever the brutal voices quiet
and the aching doubt settles
and all those heavy fears you’re holding
on to can start to loosen from your grip
and find little ways to fall away…
because that little voice… it’s trying to
save your soul. so just go.
whatever it takes.
whatever you need to put down.
whatever you have to leave behind.
untangle from it all…
and go where you breathe free.

– butterflies rising

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go where you breathe free…

bloom wild and untamed and be unapologetic in your essence

go where you can
stretch out and reach
wide and high
and bloom wild and untamed
and be unapologetic in your essence
and reckless in your fire
and golden in your skin
and so. easy. in your breathing…
just. go.

go where you breathe free.

– butterflies rising

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somewhere there is a lover who will kiss you like you have poetry and addiction on your lips…

somewhere there is a lover who will kiss you like you have poetry and addiction on your lips

there is a lover who
will kiss you like you have
poetry and addiction
on your lips
and needs your touch
and taste like mercy
on their soul

– butterflies rising

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that there are wilder sunsets and more colors to know. that there are still answers for what’s pulling at you….

i think you have to chase it. that thing that tells you... keep. going. that there are wilder sunsets

i think
you have to chase it.
that thing that tells you…
keep. going.
that there are wilder sunsets
and more colors to know.
that there are still answers for
what’s pulling at you.
that the emptiness and heartbreak aren’t
where love will leave you because somewhere
there is a lover who will kiss you like you have
poetry and addiction on your lips and who
needs your touch and taste like
mercy on their soul.
and there are all those virgin, unfelt things in you;
still untouched and tender and unfolding.
so you have to keep searching.
for all that soul stuff.
until your intangible aches are in the flesh
and that fire within you is spilling all around you…
i think you have to keep going.

– butterflies rising

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i think you have to chase it. that thing that tells you… keep. going…

you have to keep going. there are wilder sunsets and more colors to know.

you have to keep going.
there are wilder sunsets and more colors
to know. and there are still answers for what’s
pulling at you. and i think you have to chase them…
i think you have to keep going.

– butterflies rising

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