little seeds, someday flowers: version 2…

little seeds, someday flowers... today i will be good to myself, and tomorrow maybe a little

little seeds, someday flowers…

today i will
be good to me,
and tomorrow maybe
a little bit better,
until being good to me
is a little easier,
and maybe even someday
not so hard at all.
maybe these are just little seeds
but i’ll keep giving them
touches of sunlight…
just a little hope here
and a little grace there
and a little more light in those
places holding all the fear,
and then maybe all these little seeds
just might grow until someday they
become flowers…
and then i will be made of flowers.

– butterflies rising

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an “i’m sorry” under every breath…

i’ve apologized for myself for so much of my life... and i’m still learning how to take up space

i’ve apologized for myself for so much
of my life… and i’m still learning how to take
up space without feeling like i’m holding an
“i’m sorry” under every breath.

– butterflies rising

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there are things i am learning not to apologize for…

there are things i am learning not to apologize for... the way i express myself the way i am discovering myself

there are things
i am learning not to apologize for…

– the way i express myself
– the way i am discovering myself
and growing into myself
– the way i take up my own space…
the space that is meant for me
– the things someone else may not like about me
but that i like about me

…because none of these things are anything wrong
with me. they are things that are right in me. and those
are things i should never have to be sorry for.

– butterflies rising

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beautiful stardust: when you love wildly, your heart can break so. intensely…

passionate pain is brutal pain... but it's powerful pain too.

beautiful stardust…

when you love wildly,
your heart can break so. intensely.
and passionate pain is brutal pain…
but it’s powerful pain too.

it stirs us in our soul places. and even when it
feels like it burns right through us and tears us apart,
it can be a catalyst if we let it.
we can pour it into things like music and art
and poetry… or turn it into growth and change
and inspiration and all these other beautiful things
that we can become and can spill
out into the world.

when you love intensely,
your heart can break so. keep loving deep…
and keep your heart wilder than wild…
and breathe it all out as beautiful stardust.

– butterflies rising

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