soulmate stardust…

i think we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls

soulmate stardust…

the universe puts
little bits of stardust in them;
memory dust… soul traces…
so we can know.
ones that say things like…
i remember you.
i’ve been looking for you.
i couldn’t come here and
not find you… i had to find you.
i am for you.
and when we’re near them,
they don’t have to say a thing;
we feel it in our senses…
we just know.

– butterflies rising

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a fire in that kiss…

a fire in that kiss that always came from your own lips

that kiss…
it’s a bitter taste now.
and god, how it felt like love,
and then it turned into
such. brutal. pain.
but you make sure you
keep loving deep.
and keep your heart wilder than wild,
because someday you’ll breathe it
all out as stardust and art…
and there was a fire in that kiss
that always came from
your own lips.

– butterflies rising

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beautiful stardust: when you love wildly, your heart can break so. intensely…

passionate pain is brutal pain... but it's powerful pain too.

beautiful stardust…

when you love wildly,
your heart can break so. intensely.
and passionate pain is brutal pain…
but it’s powerful pain too.

it stirs us in our soul places. and even when it
feels like it burns right through us and tears us apart,
it can be a catalyst if we let it.
we can pour it into things like music and art
and poetry… or turn it into growth and change
and inspiration and all these other beautiful things
that we can become and can spill
out into the world.

when you love intensely,
your heart can break so. keep loving deep…
and keep your heart wilder than wild…
and breathe it all out as beautiful stardust.

– butterflies rising

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the wild wreckage…

i take it all in so deeply. and maybe i feel it a little too raw. and a little too tender

i take it all in so deeply.
and maybe i feel it a little too raw.
and a little too tender.
and when i need to let it go,
maybe my heart strangleholds it
a little too tight.
and for a little too long.
but the way i feel it when i feel it…
i touch. and i taste. and i feel. fire.
and i shift in my existence,
and the stardust burns into my skin.
so i try to be gentle with it…
with all that wild wreckage that i
barely recover from.
because there’s magic in it.
and evolution in me from it.
and because i love like an awakening
and i know what it’s like to trace a soul
in my fingertips.

– butterflies rising

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