to be delicate here…

self-love... the most delicate intimacy - butterflies rising

it’s so delicate here.
but it’s where i’m the most brutal.
it’s where my raging gets careless,
and the delicate things end up crushed.
i fight my hardest fights
trying to love the deepest love,
but i’ve never been more unkind
than i’ve been in these close quarters
…in this head, and to this heart.
and when others have been unkind,
how quick i’ve been to betray myself and just agree.
and i’ve let it all hurt so much that unworthy has felt
like the only feeling i may ever again know…
like a flower whose every last petal has been torn away and
thrown to the wind with nothing left to recognize as beautiful.
just wilted. and bare with pain.
but what if it hurts this way for a reason…
because that ache in me is the fight in me
to learn to feel different.
because somewhere deep inside i know
that i want to be delicate here… desperately.
and when they’re unkind, and when i’m unkind,
somewhere deep down, i know that i fiercely. disagree.
and there’s a wild blossom in me and it’s too beautiful
to ever just be torn away and thrown to the wind.
and there’s a tenderness that i’m made of and an intimacy
that i’m part of… one that i’m going to learn
to take such delicate care of.

– butterflies rising

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self-love… the most delicate intimacy… it’s so delicate here.

self-love... the most delicate intimacy - butterflies rising

the most delicate intimacy

it’s so delicate here. but it’s where i’m
the most brutal. it’s where my raging gets
careless, and the delicate things end up crushed.
i fight my hardest fights trying to love the deepest love,
but i’ve never been more unkind than i’ve been
in these close quarters.
but what if this ache in me is also the fight in me
to learn to feel differently. because somewhere deep
inside i know that i want to be delicate here… desperately.
and there’s a tenderness that i’m made of and an intimacy that
i’m part of… one that i’m going to learn to take
such delicate care of.

– butterflies rising

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she wanders out in the flowers, in the wild…

like she's a beautiful wildness on fire

she wanders
out in the flowers,
in the wild, where the breathing
is easy and free… because it’s where
the judgment goes quiet…
and everything beautiful is so untouched.
it’s just beautiful. and wild. and fearless.
and whether it grows into something more
or burns down and has to start again,
it just does… fearlessly.
beautifully. and wild.
so she wanders out where she
can learn to see herself that way;
to see herself in the way that she looks
at flowers… like she’s a beautiful
wildness on fire.

– butterflies rising

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i think it’s breathtaking… how your heart just spills out: your wildfire heart spilling out…

how your heart just spills out of you. it's some kind of soul ache just... pouring. out.

i think it’s
how your heart just
spills out of you.
it’s some kind of soul ache
just… pouring. out.
it’s somewhere dark that
your spirit has had to fight from…
there’s wreckage where it all comes from,
and there are times that just being
human feels like a violence.
but beautiful things spill out of you
the way wildfires burn… the way
butterflies fly wild… the way fireflies glow
…so let your heart be fire. and let your
soul be wild. and let your spirit glow.
because the way it all spills out of you
is just… breathtaking.

– butterflies rising

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Wildfire Heart… i think it’s breathtaking… it’s some kind of soul ache just… pouring. out.

how your heart just spills out of you. it's some kind of soul ache just... pouring. out.

Wildfire Heart…

i think it’s breathtaking…
how your heart just spills out of you.
it’s some kind of soul ache just… pouring. out.
it’s somewhere dark that
your spirit has had to fight from…
but beautiful things spill out of you
the way wildfires burn… the way
butterflies fly wild… the way fireflies glow…
the way it all spills out of you
is just… breathtaking.

– butterflies rising

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to not let it all be who and what you are…

there is too much fire and passion and magic and art and love in you

there is too much good in you
for you to not let goodness be who
and what you are…

and there is too. much. beautiful in you
for you to not let beautiful be who
and what you are…

and there is too much fire and passion
and magic and art and love in you
for you to not let it all be who
and what you are.

– butterflies rising

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she’s got all that wildflower energy in her veins…

she’s got all that wildflower energy in her veins

she’s butterfly-wild,
chasing all those inner fires,
her restless spirit
aching for something beautiful,
reaching for something more,
so flower-sweet and fire-wild,
she’s got all those big dreams inside of her,
taking hold and trying to stretch her,
trying to grow her,
her wandering spirit
aching to find its way to open-air,
searching for something golden
and sun-kissed,
reaching for so. much. more.
craving an untamed freedom
that tastes like pulse and heartbeat
and deep breath and wild skin.
and she feels it all. and she will find it.
because she’s meant for it…
she’s got all that wildflower energy
in her veins.

– butterflies rising

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