sometimes what you feel about someone just isn’t enough…

sometimes what you feel about someone just isn’t enough

sometimes what you feel
about someone just isn’t enough.

it just isn’t.

because what they feel about themselves
will try to destroy what you feel about yourself
if you get close to them.

– butterflies rising

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the spaces we’ve called love…

love can’t exist in a space without kindness

the spaces we’ve called love…

it’s heartbreaking
how many of us have felt in love
with people who were not even kind
to us…

how many of us weren’t taught that
love can’t exist in a space without kindness.
or without respect. or in a space that
doesn’t honor us and cherish us.

so many of us are learning that the spaces
we’ve called being in love, weren’t
spaces of love at all

– butterflies rising

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a woman’s worth…

let a woman have her own worth

let a woman
have her own worth.
let her value be found in who she is.
not in who she is to a man.
not in who she is to whom she supports,
or serves, or takes care of, or carries weight for.
not who she is in the context of anyone else’s story.
just who she is. as she is.

and worthy.

– butterflies rising

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