something a little bit like faith…

i will not take care of my fears today. i will not feed them or tend to them or give them any space. - butterflies rising

i will not
take care of my fears today.

i will not feed them or tend to them
or give them any space.

and if i do not take care of my fears today…
what i feel tomorrow might be something
a little bit like faith.

– butterflies rising

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keep them high: your standards for love are going to make some people uncomfortable…

your standards for love are going to make some people uncomfortable

your standards for love
are going to make some people
uncomfortable, and they will try to make
you feel like your standards are too high,
but it’s only because those standards threaten
their comfort zones.

what you believe in either challenges
how they treat people,
or how they’ve accepted being treated.

keep them high.

– butterflies rising

– butterflies rising

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growing wings…

my full-bodied existence is beautiful

i didn’t know how to measure my worth,
and it led me to someone who measured his worth
in attention from her, and also her, and her
and any other her to hurt me

he thought there was power in possession and pain,
and that a man’s kingdom should be built
on the stepping of her back and the forfeit of her crown

so i forfeited. and i faded. but i’m learning things…

like how real lovers don’t come in numbers. they aren’t prisoners.
they’re not meant to be suffocated, or left for granted…
and how i’m full enough of wonder to hold someone’s attention,
that my full voice matters,
my full-bodied existence is beautiful,
and that a man on the strong side of oppression isn’t
the same thing as a man who is strong.

– butterflies rising

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lightwork: what you have… it isn’t here yet…

whatever that light is... it’s your work here

what you have…
it isn’t here yet.
what you hold, what you are,
it’s why you’re here.

maybe you create, or shift and change,
or just love in a way this world doesn’t know yet.
whatever that light is… it’s your work here.

those things you feel in you
but don’t yet see,
you’re meant to breathe them
into being.

– lightwork

– butterflies rising

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maybe sometimes we’re delicate, and unsure…

hoping for gentle in the unknown

maybe sometimes
we’re delicate, and unsure,
and we don’t know what we’re ready to want,
so all that we’re really looking for
are people with good intentions towards us…

hoping for gentle in the unknown

– butterflies rising

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