wider-winged and brighter-lighted…

what if today i breathe easy here in my skin, and exhale - butterflies rising

what if today
i breathe easy here in my skin,
and exhale, unafraid, trusting that there is a
destiny-kissed grace saving me from any cruel wind that
may blow back. i could stand a little stronger in my space…
knowing that it’s universe-given and me-shaped.

maybe i’ll even glow a little here,
be a little wider-winged and brighter-lighted.
let myself consider that everything i am
and all that i want to be is ok.

and maybe not just ok… but what if i am perfectly on purpose.
and what if i can trust that every next step is the one i’m meant
to take and that even when i feel wayward, i’m still always
on my destiny-blessed way.

– butterflies rising

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something i can trust…

if i'm being honest... my relationship with trust is a distant one - butterflies rising

something i can trust…

if i’m being honest… my relationship with trust
is a distant one, and my trust in the universe is a timid thing
because life has felt bigger, and this path has felt harder
at times than i’ve been able to take.

and i’m still trying to believe that i am growing wings
that were measured just for me, that are right-sized just. for. this.
strong enough to lift me through it and beautiful enough to
make it all worth it. but this distance with trust has made me
feel anything but sure… and i guess trust is a muscle memory
i just don’t yet have.

but i want to.

so when the light seems quiet, and the guidance
feels hushed, i’m going to lean in. because maybe it’s gone
quiet to get me to lean in… just so i can learn that when the voice
inside has something to say… that it’s something i can trust.

– butterflies rising

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trying to believe that i am growing wings that were measured just for me…

trying to believe that i am growing wings that were measured just for me - butterflies rising

trying to believe
that i am growing wings
that were measured just for me,
that are right-sized just. for. this.
and when the voice inside
has something to say…
that it’s something
i can trust.

– butterflies rising

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and you’re in this place where there are no footprints in front of you…

and you're in this place where there are no footprints in front of you

and you’re in this place where there are no footprints in front of you, and there isn’t anyone else here to ask, and they wouldn’t have your answers even if they were… everything here only feels like you. but it’s how you know that it’s your path.

– butterflies rising

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i saw one step. in the dark. not a path. not even two steps…

i saw one step. in the dark. not a path. not even two steps. so i took just one step

i saw
one step. in the dark.
not a path.
not even two steps.
so i took just one step.
and i didn’t know if there
would be another one waiting,
but i took it anyways…
because i’m trying to have
a brave heart
even when it feels so. dark.
so with no light
and everything unknown
and not even very much hope,
i took a little step.
and then…
there was another little step.
and everything in me breathed wild relief,
not because i’m where i want to be yet…
but because there was another step.
and so now i have a little hope.
and i still don’t know what’s waiting,
and i don’t know when i’ll get to
where i pray that i’m going,
but i know that when i do… i’ll look back
and see just how much it mattered
that i took that one little step.

– butterflies rising

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when you let your fear fall quiet…

who are you when you put it all down for just a moment? when you let your fear fall quiet. - butterflies rising

who are you
when you put it all down
for just a moment?
when you let your fear fall quiet.
and you let your anxious heart settle.
and you let a little trust in.
and when you let your soul breathe…
and maybe even dream a little.
what if somewhere in the way that
all feels is who you really are.
and what if there is another life in it
you’re meant to find… one where
your breathing is allowed to be so easy
and the stars are allowed to be so close
and your heart is allowed to run so wild
and your dreams are allowed to burn so. bright.
what if somewhere in the way that
all feels is what it’s meant to be like.
what if… what could it all be like?
maybe let yourself feel it,
even if for just a moment; who you are
when you let all of your fears fall away.

– butterflies rising

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