the priceless things… nothing feels as rich, as expensive…

nothing feels as rich, as expensive, as being held by hands laced in respect

nothing feels
as rich, as expensive,
as being held by hands
laced in respect,
strong hands that can be
soft and slow against your skin
like flowers, like curiosity…
and eyes that mean what they say
when they say all those things
that eyes say… like,
it’s safe here. and there’s truth here.
and there’s depth in here.
and full. attention.
that undeniable, can’t not. must have.
ache for you, ache for this…
nothing. but. this. kind of aching in you
reaching for an aching me…

those are the priceless things,
give me your priceless things.

– butterflies rising

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you walk in like a sure thing…

all that destiny in those wild eyes

you walk in
like a sure thing…
and i don’t mean
easy skin,
i mean sure love and
steady hands,
all that destiny in those wild eyes,
so much passion in that wild heart,
all the marks on you
and the strength in you
from the mountains within you
that you’ve scaled to get here…
it’s beautiful.
so many moons in you.
all to find your way to this light that’s
burning for you within me.

– butterflies rising

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your soul things… what makes you feel… what makes you. feel. alive.

how is your breath stolen. how. and when. does this life give you arrhythmia.

what makes you feel…
what makes you. feel. alive.
how is your breath stolen.
how. and when.
does this life give you arrhythmia.
what pulls at you so much that it
hurts not to chase it.
the dreams out there, the hopes in here.
the art, the words, the songs…
what shifts you.
that somewhere beautiful in this world
that calls to you in the early light.
those aching things that keep you up
so restless after midnight.
what takes you higher than this world,
what takes you deeper into your soul light…
all of those things…
i want to know. those. things…
show me all of your soul things

– butterflies rising

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when you love, the music around you becomes the soundtrack… when a music lover loves…

the way a song makes you feel about them

when you love,
the music around you becomes
the soundtrack to the stories you are living
with that person in them

that time, those places, those moments,
it intertwines with all of it.
it becomes the energy that captures what you
feel with them, what you feel for them.
it becomes this visceral, engraved part of the life you live,
the life you know… a life that has them in it.

so, when it ends…
when you have to start unweaving
them from your stories, and untangling them
from your energy, and unraveling. them. from. your. life.

out of everything you have to let go of…

i don’t know if there’s
anything harder to let go of
than the way a song makes you
feel about them.

– when a music lover loves

– butterflies rising

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