i went through a love i barely recovered from…

i went through a love i barely recovered from, a heartbreak i barely survived

i went through a love i barely recovered from, a heartbreak i barely survived, and finding my way back to me… it took everything in me to do.

so if it feels hard to get close to me, it isn’t me not wanting to come close to you… it’s me not wanting anything to be able to take me away from me, ever again.

– butterflies rising

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i don’t feel like i’m supposed to search for a soulmate…

not trusting myself has been the worst of my trust issues

i don’t feel like i’m supposed to search for a soulmate. i feel like i’m supposed to search for my soul. find my soul things. go to my soul places. and i think i’ll find who is meant for me somewhere on those pathways… or they’ll find me somewhere being the me i want to be.

– butterflies rising

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soulmate stardust…

i think we find our soulmates in the places we go to find our souls

soulmate stardust…

the universe puts
little bits of stardust in them;
memory dust… soul traces…
so we can know.
ones that say things like…
i remember you.
i’ve been looking for you.
i couldn’t come here and
not find you… i had to find you.
i am for you.
and when we’re near them,
they don’t have to say a thing;
we feel it in our senses…
we just know.

– butterflies rising

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freedom and trust aren’t strangers to each other at all…

that's the thing about freedom and trust... they aren't strangers to each other at all

that’s the thing about freedom and trust… they aren’t strangers to each other at all. i don’t think you ever feel more like letting your heart run wild than you do with someone to whom the state of your heart matters. and i don’t think you ever feel yourself more pulled as strongly as you do to someone who makes you feel free.

– butterflies rising

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i once loved someone who tried to control me…

i once loved someone who tried to control me, and so it became somewhere i couldn't breathe

i once loved someone
who tried to control me, and so
it became somewhere i couldn’t breathe.
but i also once loved someone i couldn’t trust…
and that was a kind of prison, too.

because freedom and trust aren’t
strangers to each other…

like there’s a way you feel yourself
pulled so strongly to someone who makes
you feel free… and i also think you don’t ever feel
more like letting your heart run wild than you
do with someone to whom the state
of your heart matters.

– butterflies rising

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and there are all of these beautiful things… sunlight, goodness, stars… you…

sometimes this world feels like the heaviest place that we could ever know, and it aches just to breathe here.

this world feels
like the heaviest place
that we could ever know,
and it aches just to breathe here.
but then i look around,
and there are all of these
beautiful things… sunlight,
goodness, stars… you.

– butterflies rising

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