i feel you.⁣..

i feel you everywhere, i look for you in everything

i feel you
at 3am when
my heart is too restless.
when my. heart. feels…
like life has to hold more than this.
it has to. because i feel you.
in ways i don’t understand
but, somehow… understand.
like some sort of north light,
or that fallen star at 11:11
when i wish,
when i breathe in
and it feels like light,
when i breathe out
and all the heavy i’ve ever known just… fades.
all these little ways that i. feel. you.

and you’re not here.
but you’re everywhere.
you’re in everything.

– butterflies rising

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soul-tangled with you…

soul-tangled with you. you were an imprint here before we touched wild skin.

with you.
you were an imprint here
before we touched wild skin.
you were a feeling. a sense.
and now
you’re an instinct. a gravity.
with. you.
my heart has no defense.
i feel chemicals with you.
my skin remembers you.
and when our bodies have to
untangle and let this life turn over
you’ll be just a feeling
and just a sense…
but only until
we’re skin to skin again.

– butterflies rising

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