you’re still learning to feel worthy… and maybe you don’t believe it yet…

you're still learning to feel worthy... and maybe you don't believe it yet

you’re still learning to feel worthy…
and maybe you don’t believe it yet… but i hope
you keep going until you know it’s true.

i hope your next days bring in life like summer,
like light, like warmth… and that you let
good things come to you, and you let
them fall on you without a fight.

what if life is holding something so beautiful
for you… i hope you let that be true and you let yourself
believe in the beautiful as it unfolds
all around you… i hope you let it all
make you feel so free.

– butterflies rising

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babygirl, don’t run from the shadows under your sweetness; you are layers of dark and light…

babygirl, don't run from the shadows under your sweetness; you are layers of dark and light

don’t run from the shadows
under your sweetness; you are layers of
dark and light… so try to meet it all with curiosity
and give everything your compassion
because none of it needs your judgment,
and all of it needs your love.

– butterflies rising

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