why are we not letting the beautiful things be the ones that grow wild…

we so easily let our fears be these uncontrollable, raging monsters

we so easily
let our fears be these
uncontrollable, raging monsters,
and yet we see our dreams as such
tiny little seeds… why are we not
letting the beautiful things be
the ones that grow wild?

– butterflies rising

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beautiful in the unknown…

i think i've always fought stillness with chaos… maybe because it feels easier - butterflies rising

i think i’ve always fought stillness
with chaos… maybe because it feels easier…
you can’t be shaken from your footing if
you’ve never even had it, right?

but now i’m being asked to
stay still in the uncertainty, to try to learn
to breathe easy in all this delicate nuance…
to start to question the way i’ve made such a habit
out of fearful, so breath-held and chest-tight,
always just hoping for gentle in the unknown…

because what if life doesn’t have to just “not hurt”…
what if there could be something so beautiful
waiting for me in the unknown

– butterflies rising

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wider-winged and brighter-lighted…

what if today i breathe easy here in my skin, and exhale - butterflies rising

what if today
i breathe easy here in my skin,
and exhale, unafraid, trusting that there is a
destiny-kissed grace saving me from any cruel wind that
may blow back. i could stand a little stronger in my space…
knowing that it’s universe-given and me-shaped.

maybe i’ll even glow a little here,
be a little wider-winged and brighter-lighted.
let myself consider that everything i am
and all that i want to be is ok.

and maybe not just ok… but what if i am perfectly on purpose.
and what if i can trust that every next step is the one i’m meant
to take and that even when i feel wayward, i’m still always
on my destiny-blessed way.

– butterflies rising

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i said, i want to learn to trust you, but i don’t know how…

learn to trust you. then see what your heart has to say about me, and follow that. - butterflies rising

i said,
“i want to learn to trust you,
but i don’t know how.”

and you said,
“then don’t. learn to trust you.
then see what your heart has to say about me,
and follow that.”

– butterflies rising

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and i closed my eyes in the middle of all the wild noise… because there are dreams over there…

and i closed my eyes in the middle of all the wild noise and just stayed still - butterflies rising poem

and i closed my eyes
in the middle of all the wild noise
and just stayed still… and i felt myself
being pulled that way.
and so i asked, “why that way?”
and i heard, “because there are dreams over there.”

and that feels like as good a reason as any
to ever do anything…
and so i’m going to go that way.

– butterflies rising

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With any kind of heartbreaking or excruciatingly hard thing we go through…

i used to be so hard on myself for how long it can take me to let go and heal from things

With any kind of heartbreaking or excruciatingly
hard thing we go through, there’s this turning point that can
come, the one when you start to feel yourself shifting from
hurting to healing… and healing from something you thought
you might never recover from. That feeling is maybe one of
the most powerful things we can ever feel. It’s that feeling of
knowing that not only are we going to make it through what
we thought we couldn’t, we’re going to come out of it all a
more beautiful version of ourselves. And we just have to
keep reaching for that turning point. And we don’t have to let
the things that break us break us for good or completely strip
away our passion and light and fire and hope. We can let them
take us deeper into ourselves and connect us even more to all
those things that set our hearts wild and free.

– butterflies rising

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and then, like a butterfly, her wings unfolded…

so she exhaled every version of herself that she had taken on for someone else, and then... like a butterfly, her wings unfolded

the heavy just
became unbearable the
more she realized she was carrying
so much that was never even hers to hold.
so she exhaled every version of herself
that she had taken on for someone else,
and then… like a butterfly,
her wings unfolded

– butterflies rising

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