a woman’s worth…

let a woman have her own worth

let a woman
have her own worth.
let her value be found in who she is.
not in who she is to a man.
not in who she is to whom she supports,
or serves, or takes care of, or carries weight for.
not who she is in the context of anyone else’s story.
just who she is. as she is.

and worthy.

– butterflies rising

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my own worth…

i am allowed to have my own worth. to find my value in who i am.

i am allowed to have my own worth.
to find my value in who i am.
not in who i am to a man.
not in who i am to whom i support, or serve,
or take care of, or carry weight for.
not who i am in the context of
anyone else’s story.

just who i am, as i am…
bare, alone, unburdened, beautiful, and worthy.

– butterflies rising

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