slow magic…

i knew it was him by the way he walked in wearing respect like a nice suit and holding that take it slow magic

i knew it was him
by the way he walked in
wearing respect like a nice suit
and holding that
with his self-love, self-required,
just radiating liberation from old men’s tales,
and because…
before he’d let me love him,
it mattered
that i love myself

– butterflies rising

i knew it was him by the way he walked in wearing respect like a nice suit and holding that take it slow magic

‘slow magic' is a poem by the author butterflies rising that can be found in her poetry book ‘wild spirit, soft heart'.

i knew it was him by the way he walked in wearing respect like a nice suit and holding that take it slow magic

i knew it was him by the way he walked in wearing respect like a nice suit and holding that take it slow magic

i knew it was him by the way he walked in wearing respect

i knew it was him by the way he walked in wearing respect like a nice suit and holding that take it slow magic