you’re not getting this all wrong; being human is really hard…

you're not getting this all wrong; being human is really hard, and things hurt so much because you're made of stuff that's so much better than this place

you’re not getting this all wrong;
being human is really hard, and things hurt
so much because you’re made of stuff that’s so
much better than this place. so it’s ok to barely
even know how to be human sometimes… just take
it from one breath to the next.

– butterflies rising

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i will remember the promises my soul made…

may we hold on to the promises our souls make… i want to remember the promises my soul made before i came here

may we hold on to the promises our souls make…

i want to remember the
promises my soul made before i came here…

that i am here to learn the lessons but not get so lost in
them that i can’t heal and grow from them. and to take in the
texture of earth and the taste of skin… but hold the memory
that i am so much more than the heavy weight of being human.
that i will trust my journey, even in the darkest corners when
nothing feels like a way out… because my soul knows that
there is always a way out.

and while i’ll know that i am here to learn to love them
and fall in love with them… let me never, ever forget that i am
here to learn to love me and fall in love with me, too.

– butterflies rising

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some of us have just never known ease…

some of us have just never known ease. we've known so much fear energy, and we've spent our lives with this feeling

some of us have just never known ease.

we’ve known so much fear energy,
and we’ve spent our lives with this feeling…
like we’re always on the verge of being in trouble
for something. it’s intangible, but it’s always there…
and the dream is to close our eyes someday
and to just feel safe, to feel held by
a universe that loves us.

– butterflies rising

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there are girls and women in your world with their guards up…

there are girls and women in your world with their guards up, and they want to be so soft... but i promise you

there are girls and women in your world with
their guards up, and they want to be so soft…
but i promise you, they’ve been given
so many reasons not to be.

and there are girls and women in your world
who are so soft… but there’s a good chance
it’s in spite of so many reasons they’ve
been given not to be.

– butterflies rising

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what if there are compasses everywhere… in your heart, in the stars…

what if there are compasses everywhere... in your heart, in the stars, in the depth of your marrow. your dreams are always calling

what if there are compasses everywhere… in your heart, in the stars, in the depth of your marrow. your dreams are always calling, pulling you closer, and you’re never not on your way there.

– butterflies rising

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babygirl, there are flowers in your heart walls….

babygirl, there are flowers in your heart walls, and i promise you, they've been there all along

there are flowers in your heart walls,
and i promise you, they’ve been there all along,
no matter how hard it’s gotten. so fight for your
tenderness… don’t let anything you’ve been
through make you feel like it can
ever be taken from you.

– butterflies rising

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she’s remembering her soul dna… how it’s magic-touched. how she’s flower essence….

she's remembering her soul dna... how it's magic-touched. how she's flower essence. how she's fire soul

she’s remembering her soul dna…
how it’s magic-touched. how she’s flower essence.
how she’s fire soul. how she’s allowed to trust that she’s
protected and carried on her way… even in the unknown,
even in the wild. and that her lungs should breathe
so freely and her wings should be untethered… and that
the voice that should have the most say here
is the one inside her heart.

– butterflies rising

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