you’ve been patient in so much waiting…

i hope this is the year your dreams stop feeling out of reach and they become within your grasp and start unfolding all around you

A 2025 Wish…

you’ve been
patient in so much waiting
for life to bring you what it’s
been holding in the “someday”…

and so i hope this is the year
your dreams stop feeling out of reach
and they finally become within your
grasp and start unfolding all
around you

– butterflies rising

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our in-between spaces can make us feel like giving up…

our in-between spaces can make us feel like giving up... when we are waiting on a dream, we ache. when we are fighting to heal, we hurt

our in-between spaces
can make us feel like giving up…
when we are waiting on a dream,
we ache.
when we are fighting to heal,
we hurt.
when we don’t have answers,
we feel lost.
but if we give up…
we still ache, and we still hurt,
and we still feel lost.
at least if we don’t give up…
we do all those things with hope.
and so i think you just have keep going…
until your intangible aches are in the flesh,
and the healing has settled in,
and the answers are being
touched by light…
i think you have to keep going.

– butterflies rising

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i have to believe that what we ache for inside of us about who we want to become…

i have to believe that what we ache for inside of us about who we want to become is an on-purpose thing

i have to believe that
what we ache for inside of us
about who we want to become…
is an on-purpose thing.
that it’s a memory of our soul texture
and it’s an imprint on our compass.
something already a part of us
or something we’re surely destined to find.
and how it all unfolds, and the pathways
we have to take to get there,
and how exactly it all will look when we do…
that’s all maybe not so certain.
but if there’s an ache for it, then it’s on purpose.
and if we feel it, then it’s possible.
and some way, somehow…
we’re destined to find it;
we’re meant to become it.

– butterflies rising

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i think our caterpillar phases are so uncomfortable on purpose…

i think our caterpillar phases are so uncomfortable on purpose... so that we know we're not meant to stay in them

i think our caterpillar phases are so uncomfortable on purpose… so that we know we’re not meant to stay in them. there’s that relentless ache for something more so that we just can’t give up until we grow our wings.

– butterflies rising

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i said, i want to learn to trust you, but i don’t know how…

learn to trust you. then see what your heart has to say about me, and follow that. - butterflies rising

i said,
“i want to learn to trust you,
but i don’t know how.”

and you said,
“then don’t. learn to trust you.
then see what your heart has to say about me,
and follow that.”

– butterflies rising

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and i closed my eyes in the middle of all the wild noise… because there are dreams over there…

and i closed my eyes in the middle of all the wild noise and just stayed still - butterflies rising poem

and i closed my eyes
in the middle of all the wild noise
and just stayed still… and i felt myself
being pulled that way.
and so i asked, “why that way?”
and i heard, “because there are dreams over there.”

and that feels like as good a reason as any
to ever do anything…
and so i’m going to go that way.

– butterflies rising

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this is my heart, so if i give it to you: love like flowers and fire poem…

give me love like flowers and fire - butterflies rising

this is my heart,
so if i give it to you…
take it where a heart can race
and a soul can run free,
but still be held… close.
where wild is a love language,
but trust is still a sure thing,
and vulnerable a feeling we know,
but fire a flavor we taste when we kiss
and passion something that burns
in us and all around us… i wanna
feel chills run through me with
just. a finger touch.
when you look at me…
it’s like i lose my senses and find
my way home, all at once.
so take me with you…
let’s go where everything is soft and wild;
give me love like flowers and fire.

– butterflies rising

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