
everything in you is meant to be felt by someone who loves as raw in their nerves - butterflies rising

everything in you
is meant to be felt by someone
who loves as raw in their nerves
and as full in their blood,
and could never be unaffected by you

– fire

– butterflies rising

everything in you is meant to be felt by someone who loves as raw in their nerves - butterflies rising

‘everything in you is meant to be felt by someone who loves as raw in their nerves' is a poem by the author butterflies rising that can be found in her poetry book ‘wild spirit, soft heart'.

everything in you is meant to be felt by someone who loves as raw in their nerves - butterflies rising

everything in you is meant to be felt by someone who loves as raw in their nerves - butterflies rising

everything in you is meant to be felt by someone who loves as raw in their nerves - butterflies rising

everything in you is meant to be felt by someone who loves as raw in their nerves - butterflies rising

everything in you is meant to be felt by someone who loves as raw in their nerves - butterflies rising

everything in you is meant to be felt by someone who loves as raw in their nerves - butterflies rising

everything in you is meant to be felt by someone who loves as raw in their nerves - butterflies rising