‘wanderlove… that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am…

that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late

that late night drive,
make me a mixtape,
talk till 3am, stay up too late,
lay at the foot of your bed,
tell me what’s inside your head,
wander my way through all the
wonderful ways of who you are,
kind of love

– butterflies rising

that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late

‘wanderlove… that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late' is a poem by the author butterflies rising that was published on November 8, 2017, and is where her excerpt that late night drive, make me a mixtape… 3am kind of love is derived from. The pieces can be found in her poetry books ‘wild spirit, soft heart' and ‘she's flowers and fire'.

that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late

‘that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late' – ‘wild spirit, soft heart' book cover and interior photos combo

that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late

‘that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late' – Golden tone theme book photo in ‘wild spirit, soft heart'

lay at the foot of your bed, tell me what’s inside your head

‘lay at the foot of your bed, tell me what’s inside your head' – Aqua background theme book photo in ‘wild spirit, soft heart'

that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late

‘that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late' – Golden background theme book photo in ‘wild spirit, soft heart'

you have to keep choosing you. because nothing will matter if you reject you

‘lay at the foot of your bed, tell me what’s inside your head' – Natural wood theme book photo in ‘wild spirit, soft heart'

that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late

‘that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am and stay up too late, kind of love' – Text meme and book photo combo

that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am and stay up too late, kind of love

‘that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am and stay up too late, kind of love' – butterflies rising tweet

that late night drive, make me a mixtape

that late night drive, make me a mixtape

that late night drive, make me a mixtape

that late night drive, make me a mixtape

that late night drive, make me a mixtape, talk till 3am, stay up too late

that late night drive, make me a mixtape