self-love era… at first, this all felt like loss…

self-love era... at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

self-love era…
at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love. but in this new place, i'm just being asked to learn to feel love… but not need permission from someone or something else to feel it.

– butterflies rising

self-love era... at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

The butterflies rising quote ‘self-love era… at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love' is an original and copyright protected quote by the author butterflies rising that was published on January 6, 2024.

self-love era... at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

Copyright Documentation for ‘self-love era… at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

self-love era... at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

‘self-love era… at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love' – Book photo combo

self-love era... at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

‘self-love era… at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love' – Golden butterfly theme book photo

self-love era... at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

‘but in this new place, i'm just being asked to learn to feel love… but not need permission from someone or something else to feel it' – Aqua heart necklace theme book photo

self-love era... at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

‘self-love era… at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love' – Blue butterfly theme book photo

self-love era... at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

‘but in this new place, i'm just being asked to learn to feel love… but not need permission from someone or something else to feel it' – Golden heart necklace accent theme book photo

self-love era... at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

‘self-love era… at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love' – Text meme and book photo combo

self-love era... at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love

butterflies rising tweet of ‘self-love era… at first, this all felt like loss, like life was taking me away from places i'd felt love'