i want to believe in kind and beautiful things…

i want to believe in kind and beautiful things, and in a world made of good souls and compassion… a world where the light

i want to believe in kind and beautiful things,
and in a world made of good souls and compassion…
a world where the light is where the
pendulum finally swings

no matter how hard it feels… i want to believe
so much in these things.

– butterflies rising

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i want to believe in things, beautiful things, even the impossible…

i want to believe in things, beautiful things, even the impossible and untouchable feeling things

i want to believe in things,
beautiful things, even the impossible
and untouchable feeling things,
even the ones we’ve been
told not to

and i want to believe in me,
and in becoming the most beautiful version of me,
and in beautiful things being for me… i want to fiercely
believe i’m worthy of it all, even when my fears
tell me not to

and i want to believe in kind things,
and in a world made of good souls and compassion…
a world where the light is where the
pendulum finally swings

no matter how hard it feels… i want to believe
so much in these things.

– butterflies rising

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i will choose little rebellions… like the ache turned into empathy…

i will choose little rebellions... like the ache turned into empathy. my rage channeled into intention.

i will choose little rebellions… like the ache turned into empathy. my rage channeled into intention. my inspired heart will create beauty in rebellion… we need art and words and songs… someone, somewhere is barely hanging on, and something beautiful will be their lighthouse. my passionate heart will love more in rebellion… the way i feel about who and what i love will be even more and more and more… there is going to be passion and love here, no matter what. and my hope is going to be fierce, even if in spite of so much. darkness depends on us to stop feeling beautiful things and to stop believing in a better way… and i will make it my rebellion not to.

– butterflies rising

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when the world gets really dark and heavy…

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don’t matter as much… but maybe it’s when they matter even more. because anyone trying to hold on to something good and beautiful within is also holding space for the light while the world tries to find it again.

– butterflies rising

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