the reckoning… you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long…

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come.

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come.

– butterflies rising

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come

‘the reckoning: you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come' is a quote by the author butterflies rising that was published on June 1, 2020, and can be found in her poetry book ‘she's flowers and fire'.

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come

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you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come

‘you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come' – Aqua heart necklace book photo in ‘she's flowers and fire'.

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come

‘you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come' – Golden heart necklace book photo in ‘she's flowers and fire'.

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come

‘you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come' – Text meme and book photo in ‘she's flowers and fire'.

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come

‘you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come' – Golden heart necklace book photo in ‘she's flowers and fire'.

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come

butterflies rising tweet of ‘you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come'

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come. - butterflies rising

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come. - butterflies rising

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come. - butterflies rising

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come. - butterflies rising

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you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come. - butterflies rising

you cannot try to silence a collective pain for so long and not expect a collective rage to eventually come. - butterflies rising