when the world gets really dark and heavy…

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much... but maybe it's when they matter even more

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much… but maybe it's when they matter even more. because anyone trying to hold on to something good and beautiful within is also holding space for the light while the world tries to find it again.

– butterflies rising

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much

‘when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much' is an original and copyright protected poem by the author butterflies rising that was published on January 24, 2025.

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much

Copyright Documentation for ‘when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much

‘when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much' – Aqua butterfly accent theme book photo

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much

‘anyone trying to hold on to something good and beautiful within is also holding space for the light' – Gold butterfly necklace theme book photo

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much

‘when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much' – Golden butterfly theme theme book photo

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much

‘anyone trying to hold on to something good and beautiful within is also holding space for the light' – Aqua heart necklace accent background theme book photo

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much

‘when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much' – Text meme and book photo combo

when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much

butterflies rising tweet of ‘when the world gets really dark and heavy, it may seem like your dreams don't matter as much'