the wild wreckage…

i take it all in so deeply. and maybe i feel it a little too raw. and a little too tender

i take it all in so deeply.
and maybe i feel it a little too raw.
and a little too tender.
and when i need to let it go,
maybe my heart strangleholds it
a little too tight.
and for a little too long.
but the way i feel it when i feel it…
i touch. and i taste. and i feel. fire.
and i shift in my existence,
and the stardust burns into my skin.
so i try to be gentle with it…
with all that wild wreckage that i
barely recover from.
because there’s magic in it.
and evolution in me from it.
and because i love like an awakening
and i know what it’s like to trace a soul
in my fingertips.

– butterflies rising

i touch. and i taste. and i feel. fire.

“i take it all in so deeply. and maybe i feel it a little too raw…” is a poem by the author butterflies rising that can be found in her poetry book ‘she's flwoers and fire'.

i touch. and i taste. and i feel. fire.

i touch. and i taste. and i feel. fire.

i touch. and i taste. and i feel. fire.